
DW-Square-logo200x200A community portal website, created for our hometown Downham Market, set up circa 2007 by Lingo.

It’s a little place for community news, events, business listings and our webcam.

It has been a labour of love. It’s run as a  ‘not for profit’ organisation, used for helping put Downham on the map and fill an online gap which I first found when I moved here in 2001, and Googled everything about the place to find very little existed.

Since it’s beginning, it’s been helped along by a whole host of lovely volunteers, (I’ll put up a gallery one day) many of whom come and go through work-experience with Lingo.

In February 2013, the site underwent a complete rebuild and since, has been more reliable and user friendly.

Liz Santa Lynn News cover

Averaging over 2000 visits per month, it’s a popular site and the webcam (situated on the neighbour’s wall) streams 24/7 live feed of Bridge Street where our offices are.

As a result of the site, I’m lucky to be included in a lot of the going-ons in the town, openings for this and that, taking pictures here and there and generally getting ‘stuck in’, which is where I’m happiest.

Christmas 2012, the Lynn News (local rag) snapped me dressed as Santa, jogging along in the ‘fun run’ for the town. After this 1mile lap of the town, I continued my annual tradition of serving hot mulled wine and cider in the town square (and having one or two myself)!

Check the site out yonder or find us on the book of face.